Price: $219 In-Stock
New regulations are forcing professional pilots in US regions to make their drones digitally visible. Dronetag has created Beacon, the add-on that makes drones instantly compliant with FAA requirements. You can upgrade your existing drone, without the need to purchase new aircraft.
Attach the Dronetag Beacon with the included fastener and instantly add Remote ID capability. The tiny device transmits the drone location via Bluetooth to up to a 3 km (1.86 miles) range.
Dronetag Beacon is Approved by FAA (check the DoC here) and Compliant with ASTM F3411 which requires Broadcast Remote ID for all pilots flying out of FAA-recognized identification areas.
The internal power source will last up to 16 hours. The reusable dual lock fastener is secure and easy to apply.
- Complies with FAA regulations
- Lightweight, only 16 grams
- Internal battery 8-16 hours
- Charge with micro USB
- Dimensions 37x26x16mm
- Configure through the DroneTag app
How do I know if my drone is remote ID compliant?
How do I know if my drone is remote ID compliant?
Here are a few popular drones that are still in use today that are not compliant with the new regulations. If you own one of these drone you would need to purchase a module to comply with the new regulations:
Noncompliant drones (If you own one of these you will need a module)
- Autel Evo 2 versions 1 and 2
- DJI Matrice 100
- DJI Matrice 200
- DJI Phantom series (includes the original Phantom 1, 2, 3)
- DJI Mavic Pro and Mavic Platinum
- DJI Spark
- DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise versions (Dual, Advanced)
- DJI Air
- DJI Inspire 1 and 2
- DJI Mini (remote ID not required for recreational use)
- DJI Mini 2 (remote ID not required for recreational use)
- 3DR Solo
Here is a list of popular drones that ARE compliant:
- Autel EVO Lite+
- Autel EVO Lite
- EVO Max 4T and 4N
- Autel EVO Nano
- Autel EVO 2 series (Version 3)
- Autel Dragonfish
- DJI Mavic 3 Pro
- DJI Mavic 3 Pro Cine
- DJI Inspire 3
- DJI M300 RTK
- DJI M350 RTK
- DJI Air 2S
- DJI Mavic 3
- DJI Mavic 3 Classic
- DJI Mavic 3 Cine
- DJI Avata
- DJI Mini 3
- DJI Mini 3 Pro
- DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise
- DJI Mavic 3 Thermal
- DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral
- DJI Matrice 30
- DJI M30 Dock Version
- DJI Matrice 30 Thermal
- DJI M30T Dock Version
- DJI Agras T40
- DJI Agras T30
Drones which are not currently compliant but the manufacturer is seeking FAA approval.
*Note: Any drone or beacon is not compliant until it is approved by the FAA
- DJI Air 2 (firmware available by December 31, 2023)
- DJI FPV Drone (firmware available by December 31, 2023)
- DJI Mavic 2 Pro (firmware available by December 31, 2023)
- DJI Mavic 2 Zoom (firmware available by December 31, 2023)
- DJI Phantom 4 (Firmware available by Dec 31, 2023)
- DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced (firmware update added 09-26-23, awaiting FAA approval)
Source: DJI statement dated 07-01-23
You can find out if your drone is equipped with Remote ID by looking it up on the FAA’s website here:
Remote ID look up

Updates & Regulations
Update: 09/28/23
FAA issues clarification of remote ID rule and implementation.
We know you have questions about Remote Identification (ID). We’re here to help you figure it out.
Do I have to fly with Remote ID?
Remote ID applies to drones which are required to be registered or have been registered with the FAA, including those flown for recreation, business, or public safety, and drones that are foreign-registered.
While drone operators were required to comply with Remote ID beginning September 16, the FAA recognizes the unanticipated issues that some operators are experiencing with complying with this rule and will exercise discretion in determining enforcement actions for noncompliance through March 16, 2024.
Why is Remote ID necessary?
Remote ID is necessary to ensure the safety and security of the national airspace system by distinguishing compliant airspace users from those potentially posing a safety or security risk. Remote ID also helps to lay the foundation for routine advanced operations such as package delivery and flying beyond visual line of sight..
What do I need to do?
There are three ways to be Remote ID ready:
- Operate a Standard Remote ID Drone – a drone produced with built-in Remote ID broadcast capabilities; or
- Operate a Drone with a Remote ID Broadcast Module – a device with Remote ID broadcast capabilities that can be attached to a drone; or
- Operate at an FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) – areas where drones without Remote ID broadcast capabilities can operate.
How do I know if my drone or broadcast module is Remote ID ready?
1. Go to the FAA UAS Declaration of Compliance website
2. Click on “View Public DOC List”
3. Filter by “RID”
4. Search for your drone or broadcast module
My drone or broadcast module broadcasts Remote ID but is not on the Public DOC List, am I Remote ID ready?
No, even if advertised as “Remote ID ready” or uses other verbiage, only drones or broadcast modules listed on the FAA DOC are considered to be in compliance with the rule. However, the FAA’s policy on Remote ID enforcement discretion provides until March 16, 2024, to have the DOC updated.
Do I need to update my drone’s registration with Remote ID information?
If your drone or broadcast module is listed on the public DOC list, you need to register or update your existing drone registration through FAADroneZone to include the standard Remote ID drone or Remote ID broadcast module serial number. The Remote ID serial number is not the same as your drone’s serial number. Drone owners should check with their manufacturer for additional information.
Since recreational pilots only need to register once and can apply that registration number to multiple aircraft, they can list one Remote ID broadcast module serial number and move the broadcast module from drone to drone as long as it is listed on the same registration.
Part 107 pilots need to register each drone individually. Therefore, each drone must have its own Standard Remote ID or Remote ID broadcast module serial number.
Visit our Remote ID webpage to learn more about adding a Remote ID serial number to your drone’s registration.
Have more questions? We’re here to help at the UAS Support Center or call us at 844-FLY-MY-UA (844-359-6982).
Update: 09/13/2023
FAA Extends Remote ID Enforcement Date Six Months
In a press release dated September 13, 2023 the FAA cites unanticipated issues that some operators are experiencing finding some remote identification broadcast modules. Drone pilots will now be given until March 16, 2023 to comply with the new regulation.
New regulations which were scheduled to go into effect on September 16, 2023 have now been delayed to March 16, 2024. These regulations require that any drone or model aircraft that weighs more than 250 grams, broadcast an identifying signal. Most newer drones have this capability built-in but many popular (and expensive) drones that are still in use today do not. Model airplanes and other radio controlled aircraft, unless otherwise stated do not have the remote ID capability built in. The FAA says that it is your responsibility to make sure that the remote aircraft you are flying complies with the new regulation. If your drone does not have remote ID capability, FAA regulations prohibit you from flying it in US airspace. There is one exception. You could fly at an FAA Recognized Identification Area (FRIA). This would be an FAA approved flying field (like a model airplane club) but that is not why people buy drones with high resolution cameras.
Read more about the regulations here:
Many people have lots of money invested in drone equipment and are unwilling to retire a perfectly good drone because it does meet these legal requirements. Fortunately there is an alternative. You can comply with the new regulation by attaching an external broadcast beacon. As long as the beacon is one that has been approved by the FAA, you can continue to use your drone until you choose to retire it.
Titletown Drones is an authorized reseller for the dronetag beacon, a small add-on device that will help you comply with the latest remote ID standards. This will allow you to upgrade your existing drone as an alternative to purchasing a new one.
Why dronetag? Are there other options available?
Many of my customers have been asking me to offer the remote ID modules. This process involves the identification of a suitable product and determining if the manufacturer is reputable. I must apply and be accepted as an authorized reseller or dealer for them. This process can take several months.
I have been conducting research to determine the best, and easiest way for my customers to comply with the new FAA regulations. I’d love to sell you a new drone but frankly many of you have older equipment that has been well maintained and still works fine. If this is you, the module is a great alternative. There are only a few manufacturers of the remote ID modules that have been approved by the FAA. Some of the products I reviewed are large and clunky. Some had unnecessarily complicated configuration and setup. I settled on the dronetag beacon for the following reasons:
- Lightweight: It only weighs 16 grams and should not adversely affect the flight characteristics of your drone.
- Ease of use and setup: dronetag seems to have the most polished app and setup making it very simple for you to use.
- Internal power source: The internal battery is expected to last 8-16 hours. This is more than enough for most drone flight operations.
- Cost: Its not the cheapest but I think its the best for the money.
Simply attach the dronetag beacon to your drone with the included double-sided adhesive and instantly add remote ID capability. This tiny device transmits the drone’s location via Bluetooth to up to a 3 km (1.86 miles) away. Dronetag offers an easy to use app available on the iOS and Android store. The drone tag is detectable with the use of a smart phone.
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